In 2004, I began travelling around the country for the bestselling ‘I Never Knew That’ book series by Christopher Winn for which I provided illustrations and I took an advantage to visit ancient sites. I have found that no matter which of them I visit, I always find at least one masterpiece that speaks to me and inspires me to draw.

Trained as a set designer, I have always been fascinated by the old stone buildings of Europe and I have long wanted to understand what it must have been like to be a mason or an architect back then. I have found that the physical process of etching is almost as much of a challenge for a printmaker as is the challenge a mason faces when striving to achieve a perfect building or carving. Because of this, I have been concentrating my time on the etching process.

The most important aspects for me are ‘light’ and ‘dimensions’, and I hope that these can help the viewer project their own stories and imagination on to the work.

My works are available at Adam's Gallery


College of Art, Nihon University in Tokyo, Japan (Degree: Visual Communication Design, BA)


Fundraising Art Exhibition at St Hubert's Church, Idsworth

'Print Ink Repeat' (Denbies Wine Estate, Dorking)
'Printmaking: Mystery and Method' (Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery)
Surrey Artist Open Studio (The Print Room, Newdigate)
Ochre Print Studio Summer Exhibition (Adam's Gallery, Reigate)

Ochre Print Studio Summer Exhibition (Adam's Gallery, Reigate)
'5 Printmakes' (Wilson Studio, Oxmarket Gallery)

Ochre Print Studio Summer Exhibition (Guildford)

Ochre Print Studio Summer Exhibition (Guildford)
Hahnemühle Mini Print Exhibition (Best In Show Award for 'Chichester Cross')

National Open Printmaking Exhibition 'Triangular Lodge' Selected (Bankside Gallery)

Ochre Print Studio Summer Exhibition (Guildford)

'Spring To Summer : 12 Printmakers' (Baker Tilly)

Ochre Print Studio Summer Exhibition (Guildford)

'The original drawings of I Never Knew That book series' (Savile Club)

'The original drawings of I Never Knew That' (Savile Club)

‘Walk Through History: Discover Victorian London’ by Christopher Winn (Ebury Press) / ‘Carols From King’s’ by Alexandra Coghlan (BBC Books) / ‘See London By Tube’ by Christopher Winn (Ebury Press) / ‘Bricks and Mortals’ by Tom Wilkinson (Bloomsbury) / 'The Trains Now Departed' by Michael Willams (Preface) / ‘Young Herriot’ by John Lewis-Stempel (BBC Books) / ‘Great British Weapons’ by George Courtauld (Ebury Press) / ‘The English House’ by Clive Aslet (Bloomsbury) / ‘I Never Knew That About...’ series by Christopher Winn (Ebury Press)

The Mayfair / Kensington and Chelsea / Fulham Residents' Journal / Belgravia Residents Journal / Vantage Magazine / Pell-Mell & Woodcote / Luxury London / Finchatton / The Glebe / Pure DNA / Vision Track